After I found just one egg infertile after 7 days, I though I may have ended up with 11 chicks, however as always it is not that straight forward. The final count is 7 chicks out of the 11 fertile hatching eggs.
4 Silver Laced Wyandottes
2 Croad Langshan
1 Salmon Faverolle
Not a bad result I think, although I was a little disappointed that the Owl Beard did not hatch.
I liked to try and guess the sex at early stages of my previous hatches, I had no idea previously how to do his so it was total luck and guess work. However I had heard of a way of using the feathers on the wings at one and two days old.
Whether it is possible with my breeds I have no idea so why not try it and find out?
Have a look at the photo I have found on the Internet. Like I say I don't know if this principal applies to my breed of chicks.
It is quite easy to see the difference. On this basis I think I have the following:
2 Silver Lace Wyandotte Bantam Cockerels
2 Silver Lace Bantam pullets
2 Croad Langshan Pullets
1 Salmon Faverolle pullet
Having made a note now I guess I will find out if I am right in 12 or so weeks. Another waiting game!
Thanks for reading
Next update is on the method I use for integrating new chickens with your existing flock!
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