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Thursday 18 July 2013

My first show - Bridgend Country Show

What a fantastic day at the Bridgend Show.  My first poultry show as an exhibitor was a fantastic experience and went well.
I decided to enter one of my Silverlace wyandotte hens into the laced Wyandotte class and one of my croad langshan hens into the rare breed class.

Both came away with first place in their class.  My sons were over the moon and my eldest, Jake, who has very little interest in chickens other than the eggs they produce or any other animals in general, was so excited he insisted on taking the rosette and picture of the of the hens to school to show his class.

It made all the effort of hatching and waiting over the last 6 months feel very worth while, although even if we had not won anything I would still not have changed the experience.

The whole experience was made very relaxing and felt very easy going thanks to the organisers and some familiar faces.  I would thoroughly recommend it to anyone.  Not just for poultry but they had a selection of horses, alpacas, rabbits, Pygmy goats along with stalls, rides and a karate demonstration which all three of my boys loved and wanted to copy.
Best of all it was free to park and get in.  Amazing really as so many charge £10 per adult.

The poultry show followed the usual format.  9.30am we arrived on site with the hens.  A quick check in with organisers and explaining we were first timers, they very kindly showed us how to prepare the hens.  Ensuring the feet were clean, a little oil on the comb and legs they were ready to go.
We found the pens and popped the girls in ready for judging that started at 10.15am.
I expected all visitors to leave during judging, but it was a relaxed affair and the judges simply worked between the visitors.  At 3.30pm the presentations were made and all the juvenile entrants received a book on exhibiting poultry. A great way to encourage youngsters to take up showing as a hobby come obsession.

We can not wait for the next show.  On the list is Usk on the 14th September.  I am hoping to have an Araucana ready by then and will try my luck with the Wyandotte again.  I may event try entering a trio.

Thanks for reading and apologies for theformat as I am typing using my phone via the blogger app. A new experience.  One I am not sure if I should repeat.

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