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Monday 22 July 2013

Achievements on the plot this year.

I'm already thinking, what did I achieve on the plot this year?
It's only the nineteenth of July and there is plenty of growing time, but I feel I have missed the sowing slot.

I don't have carrots or parsnips, radish or Beetroot.  I can hear people saying what have you got then?

Well potatoes, first early, salad and main crops.  Asparagus, peas, broadbeans, onions, shallots, garlic, runner beans courgette and hopefully butternut squash.  That's not mentioning the rhubarb, apples, pear, gooseberry bush and leeks.

Yet I still feel like I have missed the boat.  I'm still not picking vegetables regularly from the plot.  The chard from last year has bolted, but I have been taking leaves up until June.

I guess I still strive evey year to try and be self sufficient in veg, but how feasible is that?  It certainly has not happened in the 7 years I have been growing vegetables.  
Lesson learnt this year so far?  Sow what youwant to eat.  I say it every year, and I always ignore it. My boys are a little miffed that the carrots are none existent. They do however love peas so I am not quite in the dog house yet.

Perhaps the hatchlings have taken my attention, if I stop and think, within the last 12 months I have hatched 24 chicks that have survived.  A significant amount of time has been spent building the enclosure and the houses.

That said, it is all part of the fun and I am collecting valuable manure for the plot regularly.
Like many people, I find it difficult to get the the plot. I always imagine allotments as a place where carrots, parsnips, potatoes, leeks, runner beans and lettuce are neatly sowed in a row. Certainly not the case at my allotment.  Function over appearance is the only way I would describe it.
Many of the vegetables I am trying to grow are time intensive, require regular weeding and watering to ensure success.  Fruit on the other hand, apples, plums, cherries, pears are, as far as I am concerned, the lower end of the attention scale.
So my plan for next year to help make the plot more productive with moderate attention required, will be to plant from fruit trees and bushes.  Still keeping areas for vegetables, but just enough to keep our interest.

Watch this space.

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