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Thursday 22 November 2012

Wyandotte chicks at 5 weeks

I promised to update on the chicks progress.
Well here they are!!

A few days old
I am surprised how flighty they are, and they seem quite nervous when I am around.  One chick continues to try and ride on Treacles back, but she is not suffering this too aften now.

5 Weeks old

At 5 weeks old they are looking very different to 3 or 4 days old as you would expect.

I have been told that they can time a long time to mature, so I guess I am not going to know anytime soon if they are hens or cockerels.  Having said that it took me 15 weeks to finally accept that Rodney the Rhode Island Red cockerel was actually a cockerel! 

Either way Pinky and Perky are looking quite happy and cute.

I love the markings on their wings.  When I first saw a Wyandotte in a magazine I thought I was looking at a computer generated image.  I honestly did not think it was possible to achieve markings like this. 

I have recently applied to join the Laced Wyandotte Club.
The club caters for silver, blue, gold and buff laced Wyandotte's.  Full size and Bantams.
I'm hoping to gather information on standards, breeders and eventually get along to the club show.

I don't know how these little guy's or gals are going to turn out but if they are anything like this I will be very happy!

I'm considering attending the Royal Welsh Winter Fair in Builth WellsThey apparently have a poultry show on the second day, and of course there are all those lovely stalls with potential Christmas gifts to look around.
I will update the blog with some info if I manage to get there!

Thanks for reading.

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