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Wednesday 21 November 2012

Baby its cold outside and very wet!

"Baby its cold out side"  When I say it in my head I sound like Tom Jones, said out loud, it sounds rather............. weird!

Photo from google
It has been hammering down for the last few days, and even though I have covered the run for the girls with corrugated clear sheets, the ground is waterlogged again.
Any duck would think they were in Disney World, but Treacle, Pudding and Custard seem quite fed up.

I went out this morning to sort out feeders and water, it seemed bitterly cold, so cold that the outside tap water felt lovely and warm!  I think I somehow need to find warm woolly waterproof gloves!

I have written before about how I have avoided boggy runs but it seems this time I have failed.  :-(

Dry weather days!!!

The good news is I still have a bag of sand and one 100 litre bag of wood chippings (not bark) that I can use to top the run up and give them something to scratch around in.  Hopefully this will lift the ground level a little and mean they are not treading in water.

Perhaps the other option is increasing the size of the run to give them more ground.  However I'm not sure I will get that passed by the boss! ;-)

Image from

The Cotswold Wood Company sell some great looking runs that I have been looking at on and off for a year or so.  I have also considered the cheaper option of electric poultry netting, but I am still worried about the hens getting out over the top.  I seem to find breeds that have a similar bouncing abilities to tigger.

I have to be careful as I think half my garden could disappear under chicken runs, and my 3 boys would not be happy with less space for football and the climbing frame!
Only time will tell!

Thanks for reading.

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