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Monday 2 December 2013

A Short update

A month, a whole month!  What on earth have I been doing to have left the blog alone for so long?
Well going back several weeks I spent a day in Oswestry at the show ground learning about poultry genetics, a day seminar by Grant Brereton.
It was a great day and to meet up with fellow twitterers and chicken hour contributors made it extra special.

I was fascinated by the subject, and still find it amazing that all chickens are red and black underneath.  Whether they be lavender or white, the basis is built on red and black.

The Royal Welsh Winter Fair is upon us, I have three of my silver lace wyandottes entered into the poultry show on the Tuesday 3rd December.  My first show since the theft of majority of my birds.
I am looking forward to the day, I am not expecting any success, but the day spent chatting about poultry and wandering aimlessly around the stalls and other animal pens will be superb.

Watch this space for photos. :-)

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