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Tuesday 4 June 2013

I'm so behind!

Hang on, it's June?!!  Where did May go?
I am so behind with the allotment it is untrue.  Having said that, the blog is looking very hit and miss too!
It looks like there will be no parsnips this year.  I have sown them in May before but June is going to be pushing it.

It's not just the vegetables I'm I a little behind with.  The breeding plan has taken a bit of a back seat recently.
The silver lace Wyandottes are now 13 weeks old.  They are looking like they have good lacing.  Legs are not as yellow as I would like so I will have to investigate how to improve on that.

The Araucana chicks are 5 weeks old, they look stunning and I'm really pleased with them, however it appears that they are all males. :-(
So there is only one thing for it and that's to hatch some more :-)
This hatch will be Araucana and silver lace wyandottes. These are the breeds I am concentrating on (bantam size) along with the croad langshan, again bantams.

I will be setting the incubator up again in the next few days in preparation for the arrival of the eggs.  Hatching at this time of year, I am looking forward to being able to out the chicks out a lot earlier (under heat) than I have previously.

I'm hoping at some point one of the hens will go broody.  I want to hatch some of my quail eggs, as a test and for replacements going forward.  I could use the incubator but it's nice to vary the hatching and there is nothing like seeing a hens with chicks.

Thanks for reading!

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