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Thursday 3 January 2013

Quails, chickens, smallholdings

Photo of Wyandotte chicks at 11 weeks
It's been quiet on the blog front over Christmas and New Year!  So much to do and so little time!  It's been really hard working our way through all the cake, chocolate, biscuits.......
Back to it now though.

Years gone by I have had very little interest in New Year resolutions.  Like most people you tend to cop out and plump for "healthier lifestyle" option.  Not really measurable and no real targets and you've forgotten all about it by the end of January. 

I remember 5 years ago I decided to have a dry January.  It lasted until the 21st January when a friend of mine turned 30.  Very bad planning that, but if your going to break the resolution, why not do it in style!

I have been up to this and that over the break.  I decided to start the new year in the right way with some plans for new additions!
The chicks are doing well.  Pinky and Perky are now 11 weeks.  I started to think one was a cockerel.  It strays from Treacle and is more independent than the other.  That said apart from the darker markings around the neck there is no difference between the two. Let me know what you think from the video.

I have just ordered a 4 foot wide rabbit house and run.  Double level, to accommodate some Quail.
I have liked the idea of keeping them for egg for a while.  My mom has a friend that has a few too many.  So hopefully I may have a few soon.
Photo from Wikipedia

I have also bought a cheap hen house.  Something I said I would never do again.  But being as tight as a ducks backside I could not resist the offer.  It was a 280cm long run, enough I think for a breeding trio. 
We recently viewed a smallholding with 1.3 acres, but have to hold fire for now due to circumstances.  So it is now full steam ahead to get some chickens down the allotment.  

I already have fencing down there and have plenty of paving slabs to dig in to prevent Mr Fox getting in.

So now I'm looking for breeding trios.  I like Frizzles, chocolate and other colours.  Plus I like the idea of  Wyandottes and Lincolnshire buff or Orpington to start with anyway!  :-)
Hopefully I can get to some shows this year as well.

Lots of work to do, so I best crack on!

Thanks for reading and Happy New Year.


  1. I had a look at the video but they still look a little young to say cockerel or pullet. Often in a larger flock that has some cockerels in it, they stand out more as the comb and wattles develop faster and are more red than the pullets and cockerels feet are slightly bigger - but without some to compare to like this, you'll have to wait a little longer I guess ;-)

  2. It's always tempting to try and working out what they are too early isn't it! Thanks for taking a look and for the comment! :-)
