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Monday 10 December 2012

Mistaken identity Rhode Island Red

Treacle and chick
I am stepping back in time a little with this post.  I hope your enjoy! 

In April 2012 my speckledy hen, Treacle, decided it was her time to raise a family and sat determined in her nest box for a couple of weeks pecking me if I dared put a hand anywhere near her.  Quite frustrating when your family has become reliant on a constant supply of fresh home reared eggs.  With 3 young boys the Saturday routine of 2 boiled runny eggs and toast each was under threat! 

On the 5th May I decided it would be a good idea to increase the flock. 

I bought 3 fertile Rhode Island Reds eggs locally.  Slipped them under Treacle and left well alone.

On the 25th May a little soggy yellow chick hatched.  The other 2 eggs did not hatch, but I did not mind, I had a chick and I was sure it would be a hen!

At 15 weeks the “hen” started looking quite a specimen.  Actually Spiderman, as my boys had nicknamed it, was looking enormous!  Then one Saturday morning……….. “Cock-a-doodle-do”!  It was not a strong powerful voice but one that sounded like a teenage boy with a voice that was just starting to break!

I laughed and laughed.  Until the next morning (Sunday) when “he” tested his vocal chords again, this time pre 5am.

It woke my boys, so that was that.  I was fortunate that the farm I bought the eggs from agreed to have any cockerels.  He is now in a field full of ladies to look after.

My wife could not stop laughing for days afterwards, I was so determined it was a hen I ignored all the signs.  I will certainly reserve judgement in future.

Here he is, Rodney the rooster about 2 weeks before he decided to stretch his vocal chords!

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, not sure if tjis still works.. I am
    looking for fertilized eggs, where did you buy yours?
