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Tuesday 23 October 2012

Wyandotte Chicks update day 4

The chicks are doing well.

I need to start thinking of names.  I have no idea if they are hens or cockerels, so 2 names of each should work. 
Last time I ask Jake my eldest for name suggestions, he decided on Spiderman for the Rhode Island Red Chick.  Rhys suggested Ben 10!!  Not really what I'm looking for.  For now Pinky and Perky will do.

Anyway, as mentioned in my last blog, I moved the broody coop and run on Sunday.

It is a compact coop and run.  It does not have a door to shut on the nest area but is well protected.  This however presented me with my first challenge.  Every time I moved towards the coop Treacle, Pinky and Perky walked into the run.  So I could not move it without risking an injury to them.

I checked most of the morning on Sunday and they seem to have camped permanently in the run.
Around 3 pm I had a little luck.  They were in the nest, but yet again they ran out to see what was happening.
I decided to pick the whole coop up.  BAD idea!

Treacle Pinky and Perky ran out and sat under the nearest bush!
I moved the run to the fresh grass and then tried to encourage Treacle into the run hoping that Pinky and Perky would follow.

Photo from
 I forget how agile hens can be, especially when there are chicks involved.  Treacle raised the feathers on the back of her neck, opened here wings and had a look in her eye that said "do you feel lucky? Well do ya punk?".

Dirty Harry would have been proud.

As it happened I did not feel lucky, so I backed off.
She lowered her guard and turned her back to me.  So I took my opportunity and grabbed hold of her.  She was not impressed so I made a dash to the coop and put her safely in.

Then it was time for Pinky and Perky.  Easy?  Hmmm.  More slippery than a jellied eel.  But I did catch them.
They were so light and soft.  I did not hold them long as I did not want to upset Treacle.

So, what was intended to be a simple job turned into a mini adventure really.
Here they are nice a safe in their coop.
Please excuse the noise, Rhys and Ewan, my youngest, decided it was noisy time.

Thanks for reading.

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