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Thursday 18 October 2012

Broody Speckledy Day 22!

Well day 22 and still no action in the broody run! :-(

Treacle seems to be preparing for the Wyandotte chicks arrival but sadly they are not hatching.
I am slowly coming round to the idea that the eggs are not going to hatch.
Perhaps it's the time of year, maybe the eggs were not fertile or could it have been the roller coaster ride provided by Royal Mail?

It's a shame because I was really hoping to end up with a trio (male and two hens) to either keep or sell on as a breeding trio.  It's difficult to get hold of this breed in South Wales, so I will be having a go at hatching some more in the spring, but will again have to rely on royal mail to obtain the eggs.

There is a Poultry Show at Stoneleigh park Warwickshire on 17th and 18th November.  National Poultry Show
 .  Depending on commitments I may try and visit on either of the days.  It would be the first time I have attended a show!

Who knows what will happen.

Thanks for reading.
I will update the blog in a few days.

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