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Tuesday 9 October 2012

8 days to hatch

It's Tuesday and the 13 day that treacle has been sat on the 6 Wynedotte eggs.
There is not a great deal happening apart for a daily stretch of legs, "movement" and food and drink.

So really there is not a great deal to talk about.  I have not candled the eggs yet to see if they are all developing.  I should have done this at day 7 really. 
Candeling is just shining a bright light, like a torch on the egg to check if the chick is developing. 
This is something I will do in the next few days.
In my view 21 days is not really a long time for new life to enter the world, and I started thinking what else can you do in 21 days?

Well one activity I enjoy is brewing beer, and using one of the beer kits you can buy relatively cheaply these days, you can turn the wort into drinkable beer in 21 days! :-)  You can't complain about that can you!

Anyway back to the eggs, I bought the eggs in the spur of the moment from eBay, something I said I would never do.  I can't see how the eggs can be that happy being tossed around by Royal Mail however well packed they are.

I got a very good deal in the end, even including postage I think I paid less that I would have done visiting my local poultry breeder for 6 standard hen eggs.

I suppose that is why I took the chance.  I could not source the Black Lace Wynedotte Bantam locally.  So it was either via post or no eggs.  It seems such a waste to not pop a few eggs under a broody, especially when she had already been sat for 2-3 weeks and was not getting the hint I was giver her by picking her out the nest box twice a day!

If these hatch, and some are hens rather than cockerels, maybe I can breed from them and supply locally, because they are such nice looking birds.

Thanks for reading and Cheers.........

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